KEEN London
KEEN London was established in 2002 by a group of volunteers to provide children with additional needs the opportunity to enjoy regular, free sport and games sessions with one-to-one support from trained volunteer coaches. They operate across three sites in London – Lambeth, Hackney and Barnet.
Many young people regularly attend weekly sessions across the three sites and the sessions are focused on each individual athlete and their personal goals, delivered in a fun way. In addition, each year, KEEN also offer a two night residential event which, for most, is the first time they have been away from home. This also benefits the families as it provides an opportunity for much needed respite.
Our image was taken at ‘Winter Wonderwheels’ the UK’s biggest disability event and features Kylie Grimes, the first woman to ever win a Paralympic Gold medal in Wheelchair Rugby in 2020.
KEEN’s funding is reliant on grants and donations and we are delighted to be able to help support them through our Legacy Partnership.